Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Outlets

this past sunday, chris, logan, and myself ventured off to the lake elsinore outlets. we had to return some of logan's 3-month clothing he's received recently. he's outgrown 3-months and is on to 6-month clothing already. my big boy. we hit the baby stores and a couple of stores for us. it wasn't crowded at all, probably because it was so hot! we didn't stay too long due to the unbearable heat. these are pictures of when we first arrived. logan decided he was hungry and needed to eat before he could shop. did i mention it was also very windy?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Movie Night

so we had movie night on friday night at chris and amanda's. it was my week to choose a movie for all of us to watch. what did i choose? "footloose"!!! one of my all time favs! it's quite hysterical to watch it now though. we all laughed at the "cool" dance moves and some of those lines. oh boy! you just can't beat the chicken tractor race! ha! ha! my next pick just might have to be "girls just want to have fun" or "top gun". you've got to love movie night!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Tough Little Guy

so logan and i went to his doctor's appointment on monday. it was his scheduled 2-month appointment when they first try to cram what seems like a dozen or so shots into his poor little legs. having worked with children with autism for the past 9 years, i am incredibly anxious when it comes to any child getting shots, much less my own son. chris and i have asked around, researched, and worried (at least me) about what to do when logan needed them. i decided to split up the shots. so, monday he got 3 instead of 6. next month, he'll get the other two he needed (turns out he already got one of them). it amazes me how many shots these little ones are supposed to have. don't get me wrong, i'm not against children receiving their immunizations at all. i would just like them to not get so many all at once. poor babies. luckily, we found a group of doctors who are supportive of whatever we would like to do. this in and of itself is a blessing since there are many in the medical community who don't understand the greyness of the issue and only see the black and white. ok, so enough rambling on and on. . .

logan weighed in at 13 pounds, 10 ounces. his length was 25 inches. surprisingly though, his weight was in the 75th percentile and his length was in the 95th percentile. he was such a good boy (which i appreciated). he only cried when the nurse stabbed him once in each leg and only for a few seconds. that's my boy! mommy thanks you very much since i was about to ball my eyes out! logan is a very happy and healthy little baby.

my big boy (chris sat him up and shortly after this, he fell over)

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chatting with mom, telling me all about his day (even though i was there)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Soccer and Sunflowers

this past saturday, the twins next door had a soccer game nearby. chris, logan, and myself decided to check it out. we pulled into the parking lot and who pulled in right before us. . . chris, amanda, and nathan! we all watched the rest of collin and gavin's game and then headed over to the farmer's market in old town temecula. who knew there was a farmer's market?

gavin waving to us once janice pointed us out

gavin running after the soccer ball

so cute. . . a group huddle at the end of the game

collin and gavin after the game

nathan on the way to the farmer's market in old town temecula

us wandering around

logan and myself enjoying being outside.
we bought some peaches and corn. . . yummy!
oh yeah. . .and some sunflowers

the beautiful sunflowers we found at the farmer's market

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Splash Park

chris, amanda, and nathan came over the other day to use the key to our pool area here at harveston. logan and i decided to tag along to see the outside world and for mommy to have an adult conversation.

logan admiring his feet as we sat in the shade while
big cousin, nathan played at the splash park

my brother and nathan running through the water. . . don't slip!

a view of the splash park at our community, harveston.
it's really cute for little kids.

Movie Night

logan experienced his very first "movie night" as a member of the fam a couple of weeks ago. for the past year, since my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew moved down to temecula, we have a family tradition we try to do on friday nights. . . . MOVIE NIGHT!!! we all get together and someone gets to pick a movie we all watch that night. that reminds me, i have this week so i better start thinking of a super cool movie to make everyone watch. hee. hee. hmmm. . . maybe the sound of music since my chris has never seen it! just kidding! don't cancel movie night chris cory!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Logan is 2 Months Old!

logan turned 2-months yesterday. i can't believe he is already two-months old. where does the time go? it's amazing to me all that a 2-month old actually does in such a short amount of time. logan is busy cooing and "talking" now. i love that part of my day with him. he smiles everytime (well almost everytime) i say hello to him. it's the best when i go to get him after he wakes up and he smiles once he hears my voice. no, that's the best part of my day with him. he laughs all the time now. he has "conversations" with us and sometimes it feels like he thinks we understand him. so cute. he is simply amazing. happy 2 months little logan! we love you!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Logan's Nursery

people have been asking me about logan's nursery lately. nope, i didn't have a preconceived vision of how his nursery would turn out. honestly, my mom and i painted his room a year and a half ago, before i was even pregnant. due to our infertility issues, at the time i needed a serious pick me up and decided painting the nursery would be just what i needed. we painted it a nice playful green called "crocodile smile." so fitting i thought. the furniture came next. chris and i decided on a deep brown espresso color for the furniture. then came the bedding. we knew we wanted a fish theme due to chris' life-long obsession with his fish tanks. we found the fish theme at several stores but fell in love with this one with the blue octopus and starfish pillows. along came random accents such as the hot air balloons, the octopus pictures, and the logan letters (after we decided on a name of course). most of the random trinkets we found at home goods, such a fun store for discovering random treasures. his room finished off with the addition of my favorite chair in the house. chris turned it into a rocking chair with a gliding ottoman. before logan arrived i would go in his room to sit and i would fall asleep to the sounds of the fountain in the backyard and the aquarium attached to logan's crib which plays "cannon." logan now enjoys these sounds and falls asleep quickly to them. we too love how logan's nursery turned out. it is finally complete now that logan sleeps in it!

a photo of logan's nursery

another angle

yet another angle

i couldn't have said it better

a cute octopus trash can my mom found

our favorite starfish pillows that came with the bedding

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Octopus

hanging out, listening to his musical octopus toy

for some reason, he found this amusing on this particular day

Friday, September 12, 2008

Logan's Announcement

We finally finished revising and received Logan's birth announcements.
I love how they turned out!
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Family Fun

last weekend, logan took his very first trip up to the bay area. chris and i bravely packed the car with way too many baby items and drove the dreaded 7 hours up to san jose with logan in the backseat. much to our surprise, logan did fairly well. luckily for him, one of us was always available to entertain him. we saw family and old friends while we were there. a dear high school friend of mine got married so we left logan with my parents for 5 1/2 hours. by 10 pm i needed to see my baby! we also attended a family bbq and introduced logan to his many aunts, uncles, and cousins. overall, it was a fulfilling first trip with logan. we're looking forward to many more adventures with our little one.

logan and his cousin, aiden. he is 5 months older than logan

logan consoling aiden

chris and myself at laura's wedding, already missing my little logan

logan hanging out at the family picnic with his auntie amanda

meeting new faces and loving it

apparently, meeting the extended family proved too much for the little guy

our adorable nephew, nathan. he insists on seeing pictures immediately after they are taken, a definite sign of the times

most of our nuclear family: my sister julie with her chris (yep, another chris), my brother chris skipping rocks, myself, my mom, and amanda. my chris is taking the picture with logan, nate is hiding somewhere behind mom and my dad is back at camp with the rest of the family

most of us posing for the picture (minus my brother who was still throwing rocks)
the extended bryant family (well most of it). notice logan is still busy sleeping.

Monday, September 1, 2008

our little miracle

our sweet little logan

hanging out with mom

i love my bouncer!

1-month photos

asleep in dad's hands

ok, so Chris finally showed me how to use this. i'm going to jump in with both feet. i guess i'll start by posting some pictures of our miracle logan. for those of you who don't know, we were trying to have a child for the past 3 years. we had to endure the ups and downs of infertility. we are so very grateful to finally have our wonderful bundle of joy in our lives. logan truly is our miracle. i love just staring at his little eyes, his little fingers and reflecting on how long this journey has been. everything we had to endure was beyond worth it. he is simply amazing.