Monday, December 20, 2010

Logie Pics

he fell asleep unexpectedly
sweet little guy
playing with cups and straws
a favorite past time :)
hanging out with cousins
we had to get a new microwave so. . .
logan decided to help out with his tools :)


logan was robin this year for halloween. :) nate was batman. emily was batgirl. they were all so cute together! we did our usual halloween traditions. my work party. em's birthday party in costumes! her birthday is on 11/1, so we all dressed up just like last year for her party. the next day was halloween! trick or treating. i had the privledge of taking loges this year along with my brother, amanda, nate, em, my mom and amanda's dad. caveney stayed home to scare kids (he was dressed as the joker. in full make up mind you!). logan had a great time but tuckered out pretty quickly. i forget he is only 2! logan loved being robin for halloween. it was a bit of a jump from his sweet pumpkin costume to nemo (so cute!) and then to robin. but he was so cute! here are pictures of our halloween this year!

CARD Halloween Party
me and em walking through the cornfield maze
batman, robin, and batgirl
logan peering around at em's balloons and gifts
the birthday girl :)
bane, batman, and the joker
jen and pat as poison ivy and bane
me and loges waiting for cake
catwoman and the joker
the gang
logan decorated my pumpkin this year
logan's pirate
nana taking the kids for a walk on halloween
the guys take halloween decorating very seriously
(notice my brother is wearing a mask)
the finished courtyard. . . ooo. . . scary!
the entrance
our graveyard
my cute little robin :)
love him!
trick or treating
all tuckered out
batman and robin
halloween sure was fun!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fall Fun

we had a lot of fun in the fall. we kept busy with trips to disneyland and saturday soccer games for our nephew nate.

the cousins playing together
dinner is fun at mimi's!
"nate, what the heck is on your face?"
logan loved putting his backpack on.
he looks like he's off to school!
"bye mom!"
as logan says, "best ever friends"
going for a ride down the block
yep, i'm really this big :(
my little andy :)
nate at one of his soccer games
logie enjoying the game
well. . . the "twins" entertaining each other
with goofy
(our first success with a character)
mouse ears
"i don't know about this"
having fun waiting in line for the cars
em wanted to ride with her uncle (so cute!)
my brother on the left in blue, amanda and nate
in the purple, and me and loges in the brown car
"watch out!"
my bro and nate on dumbo
(they know just how to pose for the camera)
me and loges
(it's become OUR ride) :)
on the merry go round
"i like this!"
goofing around with dada
"i am way too cool"