Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fall Fun

we had a lot of fun in the fall. we kept busy with trips to disneyland and saturday soccer games for our nephew nate.

the cousins playing together
dinner is fun at mimi's!
"nate, what the heck is on your face?"
logan loved putting his backpack on.
he looks like he's off to school!
"bye mom!"
as logan says, "best ever friends"
going for a ride down the block
yep, i'm really this big :(
my little andy :)
nate at one of his soccer games
logie enjoying the game
well. . . the "twins" entertaining each other
with goofy
(our first success with a character)
mouse ears
"i don't know about this"
having fun waiting in line for the cars
em wanted to ride with her uncle (so cute!)
my brother on the left in blue, amanda and nate
in the purple, and me and loges in the brown car
"watch out!"
my bro and nate on dumbo
(they know just how to pose for the camera)
me and loges
(it's become OUR ride) :)
on the merry go round
"i like this!"
goofing around with dada
"i am way too cool"

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