Tuesday, September 29, 2009

end of summer pics

here are photos of our end of summer fun. logan suddenly started becoming a little boy!

all smiles
logan LOVES books
he crawled up to cuddle with mommy. sweet boy.
reading on his own
having fun in the ball pit!
trying on daddy's shoes
i'm a sucker for this shot
playing on the slide (thanks williams!)
"how about head first?"
mommy does not like this!
playing with a left over birthday hat
"hmm. . . what to order"
dinner at pf changs for our 7-year wedding anniversary
logan came along too. :)
he put on a show for us with chopsticks
"logan! where are you?"
"right here mom"
phoning a friend with his blackberry and bluetooth
eating with a fork!
"aww loges. . . such a big boy!"
reading again with daddy
my tired baby
aka my little linus

1 comment:

Janice said...

He is getting so big! He has that little boy/toddler look... not like a baby. Seriously miss your family so so much!