Tuesday, November 17, 2009

16 months

logan is now 16 months old. he continues to amaze me every day. these days he is like a sponge repeating words. he now says, "please" while nodding his head "yes." just tonight i heard him repeat "thank you." my all time favorite is "no, no, no" while waving his finger back and forth. jee. . . wonder where he got that one! :) he is such a loving and wonderful little boy. love you loges. happy 16 months.

logan enjoying a meal
watching bubbles with oreo

hide n' seek


Emi said...

OMG!!!! I miss you guys so much... This video makes me a lil nostalgic of my cat-sitting days w/ Oreo. Loges is sooo BIG!

Janice said...

I think i say this every time i see your blog... He is getting so big!! I cant believe it!!! miss you guys.