Saturday, January 9, 2010

nate's soccer games

our nephew, nathan, started soccer this year. we loved going to see him play. he really enjoyed it too. i remember going to my brother's soccer games as a kid. i would pack up all of my cabbage patch kids and have a picnic on a blanket in the shade of the soccer banner my parents always made for his team each year. it was nice to see my brother and his son share the soccer experience. here are photos of some of the games.

first game. he seems excited. :)
"nice dribbling nate!"
"go nate go!"
logan and emily showing their support
logan doing laps with daddy
luckily, nate has uncle chris who is the family
papparazzi and his dad video taping.
we don't miss anything.
nate listening to his coach
em having a great time
i love this shot.
my brother, the assistant coach on this day
showing off his skills
logan and emily were always
entertaining during games
playing together
getting into trouble
going for a ride
"who us?"
hanging out
looking fabulous
or stealing nate's chair!
end of the season huddle
"so proud of you nate!"
until next year buddy.
we love you!

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