Friday, July 2, 2010


in june, nate spent the night again. logan was in heaven. they played together before they went to bed and then again when they woke up. the night before we had taken them to get ice cream, which caused bedtime to be a bit late. it was worth it though! logan just loves his big cousin!

auntie dawn came to visit. we took her to legoland
and the sealife aquarium. it was fun!

on the slide at the aquarium
building with the big kids
concentrating . . .
under one of the bubbles with daddy
"look! meno's!" (aka nemo's)
the fam at legoland
riding the boats with mama
auntie dawn entertaining the kiddos
they love her!

my very first friend, michelle, also came through town to visit us and meet logan. logan fell in love with michelle very quickly. michelle is honestly the sweetest person i know. we loved having her visit us!

logan and michelle paying blocks
"hmm. . . really? i can do that?"
friends for 30 years!
saying bye :(

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Michelle is so sweet.