Saturday, August 7, 2010

Logan turns 2!!!

logan turned two years old on july 17th. i can't believe he's already two! we decided to celebrate logan's 2nd birthday with a party up in san jose this year. most of our friends are up in the bay area and most of logan's friends are too. :) it was so wonderful to see familiar faces and spend time with our dear friends and their little ones. here are some photos of the special day we had with family and friends.
setting up the "kid area"
ready to party!
logan helping to set up the games
and water table
helping nana set up
testing out everything!
"this is fun!"
playing with daddy
toy story bounce house
buzz cupcakes
delish! (thank auntie jen!)
nate and noah fishing
bouncing with auntie juju
the birthday boy having a great time
with auntie michelle
logan with his buddies noah, finn, and kyle
cousin aiden and auntie kim
gathered around for presents
a cool pirate ship water table!
pinata time for the little ones
(a pull string buzz of course)
loges and em
the buzz pinata for the older kids
katya taking a swing at it
loges and grandma
with cousin aiden hanging out
my dear friend amy was out from north carolina
so good to see her and the kids!
my dear friends from high school
most of the party was us and our boys
me, my mom, nate and em enjoying the bounce house that night

thank you nana and papa for my buzz birthday party! love loges

1 comment:

Emi said...

WOW! Happy BDay to Loges! I can't believe how big he is already! SO happy for you and Chris!