Saturday, April 11, 2009

what we've been up to . . .

i'm not quite sure why. . .but there has been a serious lapse in my blogging lately.  it didn't help that my computer entirely changed from a pc to a mac and that i didn't have access to my photos for some time.  i was distracted by studying for my bcba exam for a few weeks.  then i just lost momentum.  there are so many adventures i'd like to catch up on and blog about but i think it best to start in the present and recap later.

so. . .today.  i simply love my days with loges.

we were very busy today.  we did the wash.  emptied the dishwasher  we went to the bank.  the grocery store.  starbucks.  and to target.  we played.  loges napped.   we ate.  we laughed.  it was a good day.

tonight the cory's made a surprise appearance.  logan woke up from what i thought was the night.  he fell asleep again soon after they left.  i think he knew nate cory was in the house and didn't want to miss anything.

an update on logan.  he is 8 months.  he now has 7 teeth!  he tries very hard to say "mama" but it comes out sounding more as a raspberry and turns into a "mmm baa" sound instead.  he loves saying "baba" and many other sounds over and over.  he waves when anyone says "hi" or "bye" to him.  he also tries to snap when someone snaps.  it's pretty funny.  he just started saying the /s/ sound this past week.  he loves studying people's faces and is known to stare a bit too long when he meets a new one.  he crawls very quickly now (much to chris' dismay) and is now standing up on his own.  he actually stood up last night without holding onto anything for the first time.  i was alone with him when this happened.  overall, logan is loving life.  and we love his.

loges playing
playing is serious business!
driving his car
getting into mischief
hanging out with daddy
standing up with his beloved fire engine ball pit
trying to get oreo
eating and driving
don't try this at home
sharing with cousin emily
i don't know why. . .but my 3 guys were following each other
there and back

1 comment:

Janice said...

we have been out of town for a since last week and i am catching up on your blog. We miss you guys so so much too. Looking at all of the pictures makes me so sad!!!! Dont ou want to move to San Clemente? We could probably scare the neighbors away?? For so long you have been our next door neighbors and friends, its just what feels normal to us, so we are still adjusting too :(
Logan is looking so big. This is such a fun age!
Thank you for hanging on to the boys uniforms for us, we will get them from you next time we are out there. Miss you all!!!