Friday, September 18, 2009

14 months

logan turned 14 months old today (well yesterday now)! we had our mommy and me class again this morning and another mom asked me how old logan was. uh. . . 14 months today! is it just me or do the questions about your baby make you feel guilty when you don't know the correct answer right away? "how many teeth does he have?" hmm. . . 8? 12? (logan come here and open up). the other day in best buy: "how long has he been walking?" 2 months. no wait. . .3 months. ugh. my friend and new mom last week: "when did he get his first tooth?" oh no. . . i don't know.

these are all questions i've been asked directly during the past week! i have all of this info written down in his baby book. at least there's that. but i still don't avoid the internal battle with myself when i don't know the answer to these questions immediately. like somehow i've failed. i know it sounds silly. who cares right? logan sure doesn't.

the absolute best thing that other people have told me the past few weeks is commenting on how happy logan is. "he's such a happy baby!" best thing a working mom could hear. :) happy 14 months loges. i love you with all of my heart and soul.


Amy said...

Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one whe can't always answer right away. The worst was when I didn't keep track of how many months old they were. If I hadn't thought about it for a while and someone wanted to know. That was embarassing. You're not the only one.

Amy said...

I KNOW! It's nice that people want to know but it sort of puts you on the spot. Thanks Amy! It's nice knowing I'm not the only one. Miss you!