Thursday, March 4, 2010

a remarkable woman

so this week has been draining. this week started with a discovery. someone i've known for a few years now, losing her battle with cancer.

this woman.

such a remarkable woman.

so honest. a no-nonsense type. one i respected and admired.

i saw her as an amazing mother. before i knew what it was to be one myself.

balancing three children, one with autism. taking care of business. getting things done while still being an advocate for her daughter.

so respected and admired. full of fun. full of life.

slipping away from life this week.

it's not right.

it's not fair.

things like this make you slow down.

make you stop.

in your tracks.

it makes you question everything really. right down to your core.

if i had only a few days left. . . what would i do?

where would i go?

who would i spend time with?

these thoughts have clouded my mind this week. at the same time, making everything clear.

everything we see as so important. . . isn't really. i'd spend my day on the beach. staring at the ocean. with my husband and son. the ocean has a way of calming me. . . i'd spend my last day there.

my heart is filled with sadness. . . these remarkable women. . . losing their lives too soon.

1 comment:

Janice said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. Especially a mother to young children. Thank you for the reminder of whats really important in life, i think we all know but need a good reminder every once in a while.