Sunday, March 21, 2010

having a son

being a mom has opened my eyes to many wonderful things. i see the world differently. as much as we focused on getting pregnant and for the arrival of logan, i could never fully understand how he would change our lives once he was here.

he has given us so much already in the past 20 months. i try every day to soak in his amazing energy. his love. his wonderment.

now that he is on his way to turning two, i'm starting to realize what it means to have a son.

it's in the every day moments.

when i step on a random hot wheel, making it's way across the house.

when i watch logan fall onto his chair without fear. he rolls and tumbles. . . . i gasp. . . . he gets up, rubs his head. and then does it again. . . . and again. . . (you get the point).

it's hearing from the back seat of the car as i drive around town, dinosaur roars and car engines. lately, even a helicopter or plane.

boys are wonderful in their own way.

i never could imagine my life with a son. . .

and now. . .

i wouldn't have it any other way.

thank you loges. for all of your wonderful "boy" moments.

1 comment:

Janice said...

well said :) He heart boys over here too ! xo