Sunday, May 16, 2010

i'm baaaack!!!

i can't believe it's mid-may already! this year is flying by! i have so much to update but thought i'd start off with a few low-key photos of us hanging out. enjoy!

one night, logan got headphones out of the side table
and plugged them into the i-pad; all on his own!
kids these days. . . :)
eating with his new buddy, buzz lightyear
can you tell he's really into toy story these days?
hanging out with cousins
he thinks he's hiding from me
"hi there!"
good one loges. . . good one.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Well, Im so glad you are back finally!! I am amazed at how grown up Logan looks!!! he is so cute and as always I love to see the small transformations in your house... signs of a little guy taking over! xo