Friday, July 2, 2010

someone is missing

on our way to yosemite, logan started off sitting behind me in his carseat. at one point i looked back at him and along the way, my eyes caught the empty seat next to him. i remembered my sister-in-law, amanda, saying a few weeks ago she felt someone was missing in our family. like we weren't complete yet. as much as i can't picture life with more kids than logan, i do feel like my mini-me is missing. what would it feel like to have a daughter sitting next to loges? while we were in yosemite, at one point, i looked around and saw my brother with nate, amanda with emily, and my husband holding logan. all with their own mini-me's. i know if we have another son, a daughter will follow. i just know it. i hope it isn't as difficult as it was for us the last time. but now that we have logan in our lives, it is definitely all worth it. no matter how difficult our path or how long it takes. it is definitely worth it. logan will be a great big brother. i know he will. someday. (and no before you ask me, we are not pregnant. i just wish we were).


Sharon Mitchell said...

wow - sounds like a wonderful trip. What fun to all be together!!

Sharon M said...

ok - so that post was supposed to be on the birthday trip post...sorry!
I know how hard it is to want a baby and not have one - hope you get what you want very soon! :-)

Anonymous said...

You guys made such cute kid so I know you are ment to have another one, plus I am so meant to be an auntie it is way better than being a mom!! :P


Janice said...

Its time for another little Caveney!!! I remember feeling that way before all of mine were born, like someone was missing. i hope things are easier this time...w e will be praying for you! XO