Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mommy and Me Class

so logan and i had our very first mommy and me class this past thursday. it wasn't called mommy and me though. it was called good morning sunshine or something like that. but basically, it was a mommy and me class. it was held at the local temecula recreation center. which by the way, is so nice and new. we get to take our class every thursday for the next 6 weeks.

unfortunately, the class is right in the middle of logan's usual morning nap at 10 a.m. he started to fall asleep in the car but i was able to wake him in a somewhat good mood. whew! he was so interested in the other babies and what we were doing. there was singing and moving. they even let the babies bang on pots and pans! logan did a double take during this before he hit his pan with the wooden spoon. so funny. logan loved the obstacle course too. at the end of the class, the teacher read a book. by far, logan's favorite activity! he loves reading and frequently requests several books to read each night. the teacher moved around the room as she read to ensure all the babies could see the book. logan followed her everywhere she went and sat right in front of her so he could see the book. it was pretty funny.

all in all, i was so happy logan and i went to the class. we are looking forward to next thursday! i love our bonding time!

logan practicing later that day
he loves making music!

a video of logan showing chris his new skill


Amy said...

So cute. I'm glad you're enjoying your class so much. How fun for the 2 of you. And thanks for the video. You need to post more of them so I can see little Loges in action!

Janice said...

so so cute! Hendrix starts a class in 2 weeks :) It is such a fun fun age! We miss you guys... its sad seeing your house and heating your voices on the video. Logan is growing so fast!